воскресенье, 3 июля 2016 г.

Datcha season in Kamchatka

Have spent one of rare good days for a trip to the countryside
At the bus stop in my area. Koryaksky volcano
Visited my friend's mom at her datcha (summer house).

Auntie Zhanna is an old friend of my mom and was so kind to bear our team with all that bunch of kids for the whole day )
Enjoying the bungee swing
Datcha settlement. There're two volcanoes here, though covered with clouds 
Our host's property

Find three children here )
Made this pic while was boring making the barbeque

The small summer cabin. 
While the main house is under construction they use mostly this one:

 From inside:
A stove
A friend of mine is a dogs lover and here and there we can see her former dogs' pictures. There's even one's grave at the fence
And her elder daughter graduated from the art faculty 
Their ma and grandma in youth. I remember her looking like this

The piece of art by one old geologist (they all are geologists in this settlement).
I was said but forgot the name

Hi there! )
There was great deal of flowers everywhere

Volcanic bomb btw. You've seen volcanoes in the area.. 
One more, a piece of volcanic scoria. Just props the door... )
Yes, one more ) It's a piece of the volcanic glass.
Just take care of your head when living under the volcano
One quiet corner

No russian settlement withous this tyre art 

In fact, the main purpose of my trip was to see this unpresentable place:
It's a piece of land that I inherited from father and had no idea where it is and how it looks. 
Now I know.. )

So I have got a house 

A cabin, sorry 

If you ever be boring in winter just say.. )

This must be my summer kitchen. Knew better times though

A water tank right beside us

Neibours. My land starts behind their fence

Just some settlement's pics:

Hi and bye! ))

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