четверг, 27 августа 2015 г.

Seroglazka beach

Our corner on Avacha bay is called 'Seroglazka' but actually it's divided on two parts - Geology settlement (my area) and Seroglazka itself. That far Seroglazka has one of rare available approaches to water, so-called Seroglazka beach. Not for sunbathing though )

This 'picturesque' stream is actually a sewerage

So the air on the 'beach' smells not of violets..

And the walking here may be interesting, but usually pretty short )
The view on my area

My house is visible on background
Extremely lucky boy is moving to the ship
'Old Navy'

This 4-storey building is my former school. The way here is not too short, it's about 1,5 kilometres.
Was 'nice' to have such a walking in the morning, especially in Kamchatka winter..

But the smell is still not good, so farewell Seroglazka beach )

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